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Weekend Away


    Bits and Pieces of Venice

    Hello from Stockholm! Yes really, we’re finally here! At a hotel for this week as Patrick has a work event but still, Stockholm! As we spent more or less all day in the car and in a hotel lobby and I only have two boring photos on my phone I thought I’d show a few favorits from Venice earlier this year. The Venice trip was Patrick’s Christmas gift for me and what a gift! Hej från Stockholm! Ja på riktigt…

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  • Lifestyle

    Coffee and Sun

    Perfection. Some moments can’t be described in any other way. A quiet moment in the garden with some coffee. Completely still, not a whisper of a wind and with the sun…

  • Travel

    Countryside weekend in Mainz

    Still stuck in the in between (winter and spring), and with an urgent need to escape the Karneval in Cologne this weekend, we took the train to Mainz and Patrick’s parents.…