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    Filming a promo

    Today I decided to film a promo for gift cards for the studio, a little Christmas special. I obviously enrolled my super talented fiancé in this project. He definitely has a steadier hand than me and to be honest that big EVA camera scares me a bit, it’s so far from everything else I’ve worked with. I’m far more comfortable with the GH5 but apparently “it wasn’t heavy enough to get the perfect look of the shots”. Because even though…

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  • Lifestyle

    Come on spring, you got this

    Come on spring, you got this! I believe in you! Please come back! Oh the struggle. It is freezing cold outside. There are even a couple of snowflakes tumling around now…

  • Lifestyle

    More Coffee Please

    A very Monday kind of Monday morning. Winter is back (I mean it’s snowing outside!), bad sleep and in phone queues with two different companies trying to get stuff sorted. Lots…

  • Lifestyle

    My Beautiful Friend

    Yesterday I had Sara over for lunch and a mini image viewing session. Doing what I do for friends and relatives is so special. To be able to give this gift…

  • Lifestyle

    Studio Days

    Oh how I love this space, my studio, my pride. It still dawns on me some mornings when I’m curled up on the couch and I glance over, I have a…

  • Lifestyle

    Good morning 2019

    First day back to actual full time work with emails and calls and yearly planning and all that. A ton of things to do but I’m excited, 2019 will be an…

  • Travel

    Sunset Rooftops

    Sometimes you just have to sneak a way for a short moment and do a sunset photoshoot with a good friend. Working in arenas is different. If you compare it to…

  • Lifestyle

    October Summary

    A little bit of a different summary post as this month was so chaotic in the beginning and I had to pause the blog for a bit. This was the month…

  • Travel

    Sunset Stretches

    To make it through my quite physical work at events I’ve made it a habit to do a 30 minute stretch routine at the end of each day. I can’t recommend…

  • Travel

    Ramen through my phone

    Being swamped with work, early call times and jetlag are eating up most of my time and energy but yesterday we finally made it out of the arena, out of the…